How to Run an iPhone Diagnostic Test?

Regular maintenance checks are necessary to guarantee the optimal functioning of your iPhone, just as with any other machine. Fortunately, many integrated tools and easily accessible resources enable you to identify potential complications and uphold the optimal condition of your iPhone. 

This guide will give you the skills to execute diagnostic tests on your iPhone, detect potential problem areas, and maintain optimal device performance.

Understanding the iPhone Diagnostic Tests

iPhone diagnostic checks use a variety of approaches to assess your device's health. These tests can provide data on battery life, performance, hardware functionality, and software concerns. Running these checks regularly allows you to proactively discover potential issues before they become major hassles. Here are some standard iPhone diagnostic tests:

  • Battery Health Check: This basic test provides information about your battery's overall health and ability to keep a charge.
  • Performance Monitoring: Tools such as Activity Monitor allow you to monitor your iPhone's resource utilization and detect any apps consuming too much battery or processing power.
  • Apple Support Diagnostics (iOS 17 and Up): This diagnostic tool, introduced with iOS 17, provides a more in-depth review of your iPhone's hardware capabilities.

Running A Basic Battery Health Check

The Settings app on your iPhone allows you to check the health of your battery quickly. Here is how you can access it:

  • Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on Battery.
  • Under Battery Health, you'll notice your battery's Maximum Capacity, which indicates how well it holds a charge compared to when it was new. This percentage should be more significant than 80% for optimal performance.
  • The Peak Performance Capability message appears underneath Maximum Capacity. If your battery is considerably degraded, you may notice a notification suggesting that performance management features are used to keep the system stable.
  • Monitoring Performance Using Activity Monitor

    Activity Monitor provides valuable information about your iPhone's resource utilization. Here is how you can access it:

  • Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on Privacy.
  • Scroll down and tap Analytics and Improvements.
  • Tap on Activity Monitor.
  • Activity Monitor provides precise information about:

    • Battery Usage: This section displays the apps that consume the most power.
    • Cellular Data Usage: This section shows which apps use cellular data most.
    • Background Activity: This section shows how much background activity each program generates. Excessive background activities might drain the battery.

    By evaluating this data, you can discover programs causing performance issues and take corrective action, such as changing app settings or deleting unused apps.

    Running Apple Support Diagnostics (iOS 17 and above)

    If running iOS 17 or later, you may use the built-in Apple Support Diagnostics tool to perform a more extensive hardware examination. Here's how you can utilize it:

  • Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on General.
  • Scroll down and tap Transfer or Reset iPhone.
  • On the next screen, select Diagnostics.
  • This program will test your iPhone's hardware components, such as the battery, audio, display, and camera. After completing the tests, you will receive a report outlining potential difficulties.

    What to Do After Running Diagnostics?

    The findings of any diagnostic test determine the following steps. Below are some general guidelines:

    • For Minor Battery Issues: If your battery health is slightly below optimal but you are not experiencing severe performance issues, simple changes such as lowering screen brightness or eliminating unneeded background app refresh can help you save battery life.
    • For Significant Battery Degradation: If your battery health is significantly depleted and your iPhone performs poorly, consider replacing the battery. Apple or authorized repair providers can replace your battery.
    • For Performance Issues: If the Activity Monitor identifies apps using too many resources, consider changing their settings or deleting them if they are no longer needed.
    • For Hardware Issues: If Apple Support Diagnostics identifies a hardware issue, contact Apple Support or an authorized service provider for assistance.

    Additional Tips to Maintain iPhone Health

    In addition to completing diagnostic checks, here are some general advice for keeping your iPhone healthy:

    • Update to the Most Recent iOS Version: Apple frequently releases iOS updates that offer performance enhancements, bug fixes, and security patches. Updating your iPhone provides maximum performance and protects against vulnerabilities.
    • Manage Storage Space: A cluttered iPhone might cause performance slowness. Regularly evaluate your storage and consider eliminating any unused apps, images, or movies. You may also use iCloud storage to backup media and free up space on your smartphone.
    • Avoid extreme temperatures: Extreme temperatures might damage your iPhone's battery and other components. Keep your iPhone at temperate temperatures and avoid exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods.
    • Use a Quality Charger: Always use Apple-certified chargers and cords for safe and efficient charging. Cheap or third-party chargers may cause damage to your battery or other internal components.
    • Restart Your iPhone Regularly: Just like a computer, restarting your iPhone periodically can help remove temporary files and improve overall efficiency.


    Are there any third-party diagnostic apps for iPhones?

    While Apple's built-in tools are a wonderful place to start, there are some third-party diagnostic apps accessible on the App Store. However, it is critical to use caution when installing such apps. Only download programs from reliable developers with high user ratings. Be aware of programs that request too many rights or exaggerate capability claims.

    How frequently should I run diagnostics on my iPhone?

    There is no fixed frequency for running diagnostic tests. However, it is essential that you check your battery's health and performance every few months, especially if you see any indicators of sluggishness or rapid power loss. Furthermore, performing diagnostics can be helpful if you suspect a specific hardware problem with your iPhone.

    What happens if my iPhone is no longer under warranty and requires repairs?

    Apple provides out-of-warranty battery replacement services for a charge. In addition, certified Apple service providers can diagnose and fix specific hardware issues on iPhones that are out of warranty. Repair costs will vary depending on the individual situation.

    Can a dropped iPhone cause future issues if there is no apparent damage?

    While a dropped iPhone may not show any obvious damage indications, internal components may be affected. Running diagnostic testing following a decline can aid in identifying any potential problems that may occur later. If you suspect internal damage after a drop, you should have your iPhone evaluated by a skilled specialist.


    Maintaining your iPhone's health is critical for a seamless and enjoyable user experience. By incorporating diagnostic tests into your routine and following these simple guidelines, you can ensure your iPhone runs well for years. 

    Remember that early diagnosis of possible problems will save you time, money, and irritation in the long run. With a proactive approach, you can maintain your iPhone's health and ensure it runs properly.